Hello, World.

I'm Danyls .

Computer science student Software Developer

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture


I am a master student in Software and System Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University. I am passionate about softwares, especially their architecture, and the whole development process. I love challenges and always happy to learn new technologies and frameworks. Beside code and learning I love basketball.

  • Full Name: Tchekambou Ngongang, Danyls
  • Birth Date: Jan 17, 1999
  • Job: Working Student and Student
  • Email:
  • GitHub: dtn1999


I am passionate about everything related to backend, and I also like to create beautiful peace of UI especially with react, nextjs and react native. I am also love competitive programming and take part to some context on platform like code chef or codeforces

  • 80%
  • 85%
  • 80%
  • 100%
    Funny and Teamplayer

More of my credentials.

Work Experience

Working Student

December 2021 - Present

esentri AG

I am currently occupying the role of a junior backend developer at esentri AG. My Job is to implement middlewares to connect and exchange data between applications or organisations. As part of my job I am also called to research new technologies that our team could use, and for this I am called to test several frameworks and methods and then present these results in a general way in the form of a small project showing exactly what I found and the differences with our current technologies.

Software Engineering

September 2021 - Present

SE RWTH Aachen

I am currently occupying the role of a working student at the RWTH Sofware Institut. My job is to implement and generate some backend components using montiGem and generate some UI components using angular for a research project which tries to show that model based software development (MBSD) can bring many advantages when developing digital twin.

Software Engineering

May 2019 - October 2020

Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

I worked for more than a year for the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives . My job was to make some data preprocessing with python and Matlab. My last main task was to implement a python application and an LSTM neuronal network to analyze the collected data.

Software lab

March - August 2021

RWTH Aachen University.

In this la were supposed to continue the implementation of an app for windfarm simulation. During this lab is have worked on both backend in NodeJs and frontend in Angular. Mehr Infos


Master in Software and System Engineering

October 2022 - Present

Bachelor of Science

October 2019 - Present

German course

April 2018 - September 2018

TU Ilmenau

Propädeutikum course (language courses for study preparation) with the DSH2 degree.

German course

September 2017 - March 2018

Goethe Institut

Graduation with the German B1 and B2 certificate


Check Out Some of My Works.

They are all available on Github


I'd Love To Hear From You.

Where to find me

52080 Aachen

Email Me At

Call Me At

Phone: (+49) 177 2186832